Enclosures for Electrical Equipment
Buying quality electrical boxes just got easier! Steeline Enlcosure Solutions’ success is due largely impart to our attention to detail and guarantee of quality for each enclosure we make. We follow NEMA standards as general and high standard to our entire product line. NEMA requirements are explained in further detail, below.

A standard of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association defines a product, process, or procedure with reference to one or more of the following:
- Nomenclature
- Composition
- Construction
- Dimensions
- Tolerances
- Safety
- Operating characteristics
- Performance
- Ratings
- Testing
- The service for which it is designed
All electrical enclosures designed by Steeline Enclosure solutions follow NEMA standard enclosure requirements and are NEMA certified.
It is NEMA’s belief that standards play a vital part in the design, production, and distribution of products destined for both national and international commerce, and we have adopted the same standards.
Set technical standards to benefit the user, as well as the manufacturer, by improving safety, bringing about economies in product, eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturer and purchaser, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining the proper product for his particular need. We are firm believers in creating enclosures that work the way you need them to.
There are no standard sizes for NEMA enclosures. The NEMA 250 standard provides construction and test requirements, but each manufacturer, such as Steeline Enclosures, designs our own enclosures that meet NEMA requirements. Buying quality electrical boxes just got easier! No matter the electrical enclosure, we can and do build custom. It’s one of the many reasons we are a counted resource among a variety of different industries.
Our highly skilled team of engineers can help you design the perfect enclosure for your needs. Contact a Steeline Enclosures team member to learn more about the Steeline Enclosures product lines and how we can modify standard configurations for your needs.
*Our team of experts are available to review and customize enclosure solutions to match your specific needs. If you do not see a system that filts your requirements, CONTACT US for a custom engineered system.