Trusted Enclosure Engineering
Steeline provides trusted engineering. Experienced in a wide range of industries, our engineers create first-class solutions, designed to UL508, UL 50 and CSA requirements and our customers’ exact specifications in every project, no matter the application or industry, Steeline provides trusted engineering.

Before designing an enclosure for a control system, Steeline’s engineers work with customers to define all project requirements and gain a clear understanding of the application and its environment. As a result, our engineers find the most effective enclosure solution for each job.
Design & Development
There are certain standards that must be met when building steel enclosures for different industries. With our custom modification program, we are able to engineer enclosures to exact and specific standards depending on the application and blueprints.
Steeline Enclosure Solutions offers a select set of standard industrial product designs to meet the demands of our customers. We offer a selection of standard product designs to meet and exceed a wide range of applications. These standard product platforms form the base design of our Modified Standard Enclosure program.
Standard Configurations
These products are available with or without modifications, depending on its intended use. Steeline Enclosure Solutions offers customers hundreds of standard industrial enclosure designs including 915 new sizes that meet and exceed the requirements for a wide range of applications. We are a timely, cost-effective alternative for industrial enclosures. Not only will we get the job done, but we’ll get the job done right. The activities that are generally considered to fall under conformity assessment for enclosures are testing, surveillance, inspection, auditing, certification, registration, and accreditation. There are various standards that apply to each of these activities.
Custom Configurations
For applications with unique features and requirements that can’t be satisfied with a standard enclosure yet don’t require a custom engineered design. Steeline offers a cost-effective, quick-turnaround solution for our custom modification program.
Contact our sales and service department to find out more about how Steeline’s enclosure solutions can work for you.
*Our team of experts are available to review and customize enclosure solutions to match your specific needs. If you do not see a system that filts your requirements, CONTACT US for a custom engineered system.